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Educational and Promotional Materials

**PLEASE NOTE: as of August 31, 2020, this site is no longer being updated**


Below is a list of links to materials about emergency contraception from trusted organizations. If your organizations has EC-related materials that you would like for us to include, please let us know.




General Fact Sheets

Emergency Contraception (American Academy of Pediatrics)

Emergency Contraception (Bedsider.org)

Whoops! Birth control you can use after sex (Bedsider.org)

5 myths about the emergency contraceptive pill, busted (Bedsider.org)

Emergency Contraception (Planned Parenthood Federation of America)

Which EC is Right for Me? (Reproductive Health Access Project)


EC for Teens

10 Common Myths, Misunderstandings and Big Ol’ Lies about Emergency Contraception (Scarleteen)

Emergency Contraception (TeensHealth)


Policy Briefs

State Policies in Brief: EC (Guttmacher Institute)

EC: Catholics in Favor, Bishops Opposed (ICEC & Catholics for Choice)

Emergency Contraception: Women’s Health Policy Facts (Kaiser Family Foundation)




Copper IUD as EC

The emergency contraceptive that keeps going…and going… (Bedsider.org)

The Intrauterine Device (IUD) for Emergency Contraception (International Consortium for Emergency Contraception)


Ulipristal Acetate ECPs (ella)

Introducing ella: A new emergency contraceptive available in the U.S. (Bedsider.org)


Levonorgestrel ECPs

One-dose emergency contraception goes generic (Bedsider.org)

Safety of Levonorgestrel-alone ECPs (World Health Organization)


Yuzpe (Oral contraceptives as EC)

The Yuzpe method: effective emergency contraception dating back to the 70s (Bedsider.org)




Mechanism of Action

VIDEO: The Science of "Plan B" – Emergency Contraception (Asap SCIENCE)

Mechanism of Action: How do Levonorgestrel-only ECPs Prevent Pregnancy? (International Consortium for Emergency Contraception)


The Difference between EC and Abortion

Emergency Contraception and Medical Abortion: What’s the Difference? (American Society for Emergency Contraception

Emergency Contraception and the Abortion Pill: What’s the Difference? (Reproductive Health Access Project)


Providing Hormonal Contraception after EC

Providing Ongoing Hormonal Contraception after Use of Emergency Contraceptive Pills (American Society for Emergency Contraception)

CEU Clinical Guidance: Drug Interactions with Hormonal Contraception (Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare)


EC Efficacy and Weight

Efficacy of Emergency Contraception and Body Weight (American Society for Emergency Contraception)


Contraceptive Coverage (under the Affordable Care Act)

Cover Her (National Women’s Law Center)


Pharmacy Refusals

Emergency Contraception: A Guide for Pharmacists and Retailers (American Society for Emergency Contraception)

Protecting Women’s Rights at the Pharmacy Counter (MergerWatch)

Pharmacy Refusals: State Laws, Regulations and Women’s Rights (National Women’s Law Center)


EC and Gender-Based Violence

Key Facts about EC for Emergency Department Staff that Provide Care to Sexual Assault and Rape Survivors (Massachusetts Department of Public Health)

EC After Sexual Assault: Five Key Facts for Survivors (Massachusetts Department of Public Health)


EC in Crisis Settings

Emergency Contraception for Crisis Settings: Key Resources (International Consortium for Emergency Contraception)




Patient Pamphlets

Emergency Contraception (ETR Associates)

Emergency Contraception (Planned Parenthood Federation of America)

Emergency Contraception User Guide (Reproductive Health Access Project)


Provider Training and Materials

Medical and Service Delivery Guidelines (International Consortium for Emergency Contraception)

EC Webinars (Association of Reproductive Health Professionals)

Clinical Guidance: Emergency Contraception (Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, UK)

